Many of us feel short of time. We are busier than ever before, and often rely on schedules to stay on track.

Cleaning schedules can make life easier by ensuring we stay on top of a routine without becoming overwhelmed. One of our recent posts covered some of the key benefits of scheduling your cleaning, which include more free time and greater efficiency.

But what if the process of creating a schedule itself feels overwhelming? What if, in trying to save time and energy, we cannot find enough of either to make the schedule! If this is the case for you, then don’t worry, help is at hand.

You can create an effective cleaning schedule in just three simple steps. Set aside ten minutes for each, or even tackle each step on a different day. If you follow this quick and easy process, you will be left with a cleaning schedule that works for you.


Step One: List Your Intended Cleaning Areas

For this first step, take the time to think individually about each area of the house. You can physically move from room to room, or just visualise your journey, but write down each part of your ideal cleaning process.

High traffic areas which experience a lot of use are the best place to start.

In your living room, for example, your cleaning list might look like: vacuum floors, deep clean carpet, wipe down surfaces, tidy away books, and toys.

You can then do the same for the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, hallways and anywhere else you feel is important to clean regularly.

It is important at this stage to list every step in the cleaning you would like to achieve — even if some are only periodic, such as deep cleaning the carpet, or washing the windows. The idea is to get one big picture of all the ways you would like to maintain your home, whether big or small.

An added bonus is you may discover areas of your home that need more serious interventions, and can take action before the real problems develop. For example, while cleaning under your kitchen sink, you may discover a problem with your pipework; this gives you the chance to call a qualified plumber (like for example) to fix the issue before your sink develops a leak and your kitchen is flooded.


Step Two: Select The Cleaning Frequency

Now it’s time to break down the list.

You have already organised by rooms, so let’s now organise by frequency. Mark tasks that you would like to achieve daily, then do the same for weekly, and monthly.

If you like, you can even make a separate list for things that may only need to be done a few times a year or less, such as replacing the mattress or pressure washing a patio, for example.

Tasks that take a shorter length of time or which are more urgent can be daily, with more involved or less important tasks left in the weekly and monthly columns.


Step Three: Incorporate The Cleaning Into Your Routine

For daily steps, consider whether it would make sense to do the tasks at the beginning or end of the day. Certain mornings may be too hectic, but evenings more relaxed, or vice versa.

Select an appropriate time for you and write it down. Whether on paper, in a diary, or a digital calendar, this helps to keep us accountable.

For weekly tasks, you may prefer to select your least busy day, or else complete your weekly cleaning on the day you do other errands, thereby leaving your least busy day still free. It’s up to you!

Why not try one method and test another when the month is up?

Finally, for monthly or less frequent tasks, it can be helpful to set a date in advance and add it to a digital calendar or planner. That way, it is not set in stone, but will still serve as a reminder which can be used as a guideline.

This step may also be useful when you choose to delegate certain tasks to others, such as writing a list of chores for family members, or creating a rota for housemates.

After looking realistically at your schedule, perhaps you may have even decided it’s time to bring in a professional. Experienced cleaners like ours can achieve the very best results in minimal time.

You might consider using a professional for the tasks that you find difficult, or don’t have the available time to complete.

Alternatively, you will be able to see at a glance what cleaning tasks are the most important to you, and can prioritise these in your own schedule.



Congratulations! You have made your cleaning schedule.

Remember, this is a work in progress tool which is designed to help you — not a set of rules. You can tweak, change, and adapt as you see fit, and as your circumstances change.

With a simple but effective cleaning schedule in place, you can stay on top of your routine and truly enjoy your home!